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Welcome ! Please let us know if you need an help. For other T-harness options please visit Thank you
Welcome ! Please let us know if you need an help. For other T-harness options please visit Thank you

The Elite 4 Channel T-Harness Accessory is the option needed when installing a mono amp and subs. This will offer signal, power and ground to the LOC of your choice. The accessory has a built in, in-line fuse; your factory radio/factory amp is protected from any short with your aftermarket mono amp.

All LLJ products have a 5 year warranty.


Our designs are not just original they are both cost effective and durable.


We work very hard to be original and design products that look nice but are affordable. Unfortunately some have taken advantage of our designs to over charge.

Because we know you wont need it

But just in case you do its there.

Function meets quality

We believe everything you buy should be an investment. With this in mind me manufacture products you can reuse .to maximize your investment.

We’re looking for stars!
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