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Universal 2ch T-harness

Signal + power & Ground

Signal + power & Ground

Our Universal 2 Ch T-harnesses provide everything you need to install an LOC for adding any mono amplifier you have.

T-harness - LOC options

Speaker/High Level Only

Save Time, Save money

Save Time, Save money

The Gold standard of mono amplifiers. Just add power, ground & some tuning. Everything you need to add subs, truly, in one device. Repair bass roll-off with the built in Parametric EQ.

T-harness-Mono amp Options

Kicker KEY Ready

The "key" to simplicity is

The "key" to simplicity is

Self tuning. The line of Key devices use smart tech to self tune and provide a flat signal for you to use. Just add power, ground and follow a few steps

T-harness- Key Options